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Barham excited about next twelve months
Barham excited about next twelve months

Kent golfer Benn Barham is looking to have an impressive twelve months after putting his health issues well and truly behind him.

The 36 year old from Ashford had his right kidney removed after being diagnosed with a cancerous tumour back in October 2010, returning to golf less than six months later.

Another year on and you wouldn’t even know Barham has had any health issues as he continues life as normal.

We caught up with Benn at this year’s Golf Live Event at London Golf Club near Brands Hatch, as he joined a team of golfing pros and celebrities, as they showed the public just what it takes to be involved in the sport.

With the fans packed in the stands and milling around all the trade stands, Barham feels that events like Golf Live are just what golf needs to be doing to get fans closer to their stars:

“It’s been fantastic. It’s the first time I’ve been involved with the Golf Live show and I can’t believe the amount of people that have turned up.”

“They’re all golf nuts, like I am and everyone’s had fun. There’s so much to do with all the major brands turning up, you can try all the latest clubs out. The putting greens have been full of all the major putting brands, with some funky ones asĀ  well.”

“For anyone into golf, it’s a must, especially the manufacturers. If you’re into playing golf or watching it on TV, it’s a great place to come.”

Star attractions of the weekend had to be both Colin Montgomerie and Gary Player and Barham told KSN how getting big names like that in Kent can only help persuade more to take up playing golf:

“They are both legends and Gary Player is up there with the very best ever in terms of tournament wins and Colin Montgomerie in Europe has been a figure head for many years with his Order of Merit wins.”

“The work he did with the Ryder Cup when we won was awesome, so I am privileged to have been here. I love the London Golf Club and always have, so to get into Golf Live with those guys has been rewarding.”

“I’ve met a lot of old friends at Golf Live that I haven’t seen for many years and I’ve met some nice people and made some new friends.”

Moving on, Barham now faces the challenge of competing in Europe whilst going through qualifying for this year’s Open, but the 36 year old realises it will take a lot of hard work:

“I’ve played a few Tour events this year and had some half decent results, having played a bit of Challenge Tour. Obviously, my aim is to get back on the European Tour. I had a bit of a setback as we all know, but that’s behind me now and I can concentrate on my golf.”

“I think I’m playing nicely and I’m back to if not better than where it was before. Certain areas of my game that I’ve worked on have improved and I’m looking forward to getting my card back.”

“From the age that you start playing golf, you putt on the green for The Masters or The Open. My aim is to win golf tournaments. To be able to win European Tour events, I need to be in them, so it’s massive for me getting my card as eveything snowballs from there.”

“Sponsorship wise, profile and finances come with success and I’ve got a family to support. I am just lucky that I can do it by playing golf.”
